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Korea Cultural Heritage Association
우리 문화유산의 계승과 문화발전에 기여하는 한국문화유산협회
고고유산은 토지, 해저 또는 건조물 등에포장되어 있는 유물, 유적 등으로, 문화유산의 보호, 보존은 우리의 역사와 문화를 되찾는 것입니다
Thank you very much for

visiting our website.
Archaeological heritage includes artifacts, historic sites, and other cultural assets embedded in the ground, seabed, or built structures. Protecting and preserving archaeological heritage is about reclaiming our history and culture.

The Association is composed of institutes for archaeological heritage investigation and aims to create historical, cultural, and scientific values of cultural properties through institutes for archaeological heritage investigation, preservation, and protection of archaeological heritage; to enhance public interest and scientific quality among archaeological excavation research institutions; and to improve the research environment and rights of archaeologists.

The Association is working to develop a future vision for its member institutions by expanding the business areas it has been doing, such as transparency in archaeological heritage research, guiding and supervising research institutions for public interest review, compensation criteria for archaeological heritage investigation services, establishing a code of ethics for financing, operating, assessing and evaluating research reports, educating and training research personnel, analyzing the demand for excavation research based on economic indicators, creating a safe excavation site environment, and exploring ways to use digital informatization and big data for archaeological heritage in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

We will continue to actively consider the needs of member institutions so that the members and institutions of the Association can develop. We will do our best to improve the quality and quantity of institutions specializing in the excavation, survey, and research of cultural heritage to take the lead in preserving and protecting Korea's cultural heritage and developing the survey and research of cultural heritage.

Thank you.

President of the Korean Cultural Heritage Association
Seo Young-il
ADRESS .35203) Expo Officetal Unit 207, 44, Dunsan-daero 117beon-gil, Seo-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
TEL .042-524-9260 FAX .042-367-3263

COPYRIGHT(C) 2019 Incorporated association Korea Cultural Heritage Association. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


35203) 44, Dunsan-daero 117beon-gil, Seo-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Expo Officetal Unit 207,





COPYRIGHT(C) 2023 Incorporated association Korea Cultural Heritage Association.